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Fright Fest 2014 at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

A show that is a staple at Six Flags St. Louis for Fright Fest and is something that Bond and I won't miss is the Rotten Brothers Side Show.

Fright Fest 2014 at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

Will Rotten and his family of Rotten siblings perform classic sideshow tricks for the crowd.  I did have to warn Bond before the show that I did not want to be volunteered this time as I really wasn't in the mood to have swords thrown at me or to have a balloon in my mouth popped by a whip.  Hearing and feeling the breeze from a whip an inch in front of ones face causes an instant panic attack and I'd rather enjoy the show than freak out through it.

Fright Fest 2014 at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

One of the first tricks Will Rotten performed for us was to swallow some double edged razor blades and some string in order to string them all together in his mouth.

Fright Fest 2014 at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

He then proceeded to call up on stage from the crowd a "future ex-Mrs. Rotten" where he impressed her by hammering a nail into his nose.

Fright Fest 2014 at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

The big finale for this show was a sword swallowing act.  The Rotten Brothers Side Show is always different and a must when going to Fright Fest.  Hopefully Six Flags St. Louis keeps bring Will and family back for more.


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Paul B. Drabek