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There is one event on the coaster enthusiast calendar each ye
ar that
I won't miss. That event is Daredevil Daze at Six Flags St. Louis.
The event is for members of the American Coaster Enthusiasts and their guests
and Six Flags St. Louis really goes all out for us with multiple hours worth
of exclusive ride time, food, door prizes and plenty of exclusives they
only give to ACE.
Daredevil Daze in normally in early September when the lines are short and
some of the last few warm days of weather are still around. Those
and Six Flags St. Louis' hospitality always make this the best day of the
year to visit that park.

Another reason I won't miss Daredevil Daze is he event has become the unofficial
"Negative-G Forums Family Reunion" with many friends coming from far and
wide for a day or more together.
Here is Todd "Gump" Banks from Louisville.

Here is almost the rest of the Banks clan. They had a really rough
time getting to St. Louis with a tire seizing up about a hundred miles away.
They all weren't ready to miss Daredevil Daze so their van was towed the
rest of the way and I had to pick them up at a repair shop at three in the
morning the night before.

With the Negative-G Family Reunion there are always a bunch of kids there.
This is Ryder Schmitz, the youngest son of Negative-G Forum Member and ACE
Assistant Regional Representative Greg Schmitz who is largely responsible
for arranging Daredevil Daze with Six Flags St. Louis.
I was going solo this year unfortunately for this trip as sometimes parenting
sucks. I would have rather had Bond and Carrie along with all of our
friends but with Bond having a tough time transitioning to high school and
his grades not where they should be he needed a little "nudge" in the right
direction. Needless to say it was a hard lesson for him to learn and
for me as a parent but you have to do that sort of thing sometimes.

Greeting us all as we passed through the gates into Six Flags St. Louis
was Scrappy and Scooby-Doo. This was their second to last day at the
park as Scooby-Doo Ghostblasters The Mystery of the Scary Swamp was set
to close the next day.
Copyright 1999 - 2025
Paul B.