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The American Coaster Enthusiasts Daredevil Daze 2014 at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

Life as well as a very busy summer kept us from visiting Six Flags St. Louis as often as we normally do.  This was our first time back since April so this was my first chance to take a look at the brand new Tsunami Soaker in action.

The American Coaster Enthusiasts Daredevil Daze 2014 at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

With temperatures in the seventies and a gloriously sunny day for Daredevil Daze it wasn't hard getting a few volunteers to Take Tsunami Soaker for a ride so I could watch it in action.

The American Coaster Enthusiasts Daredevil Daze 2014 at at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

Once you are loaded into your "barrel of fun" the entire ride platform lowers into the water and that's when your water cannon becomes active.

The American Coaster Enthusiasts Daredevil Daze 2014 at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

Also the water guns that ring Tsunami Soaker become active and everyone on and around Tsunami Soaker quickly develops a soak or be soaked mentality.  With Tsunami Soaker in action it becomes a brutal war zone where there are no allies,  only foes who need to be drenched.

The American Coaster Enthusiasts Daredevil Daze 2014 at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

As you can see from Mike Etherton's blast of water you get a pretty decent range with your squirt gun.


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Paul B. Drabek