Six Flags St. Louis
Daredevil Daze
American Coaster Enthusiasts Event
Eureka, Missouri
September 21, 2013
Page One
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One of the days I look forward to the most during the coaster season
is the annual American Coaster Enthusiasts Daredevil Daze at Six Flags St.
Louis. Not only is the perfect day to visit Six Flags St. Louis with
nonexistent crowds but I always have a ton of great friends to hang with
making the day exponentially better..
When you get the bunch of us folks from the Negative-G Forums together we
all tend to get a little silly because we have so much fun together.
Speaking of silly here's Kevin "Orange Whip" Remhof and a great t-shirt.
Oh, he certainly is okay.
Here's Brian "Waterboy" Lydy getting a hug from Carrie. It's been
a while since Brian had been able to make it to Daredevil Daze and it was
awesome having him join us. Besides you need his legendary giggle
mixed in with the sounds and screams of the Screaming Eagle as it roars
through the woods at night to make it a perfect ride.
Unlike previous Daredevil Daze's we didn't have exclusive ride time in the
morning so registration was right as the park opened to the public.
Instead we had exclusive ride time on every single coaster in the park during
a two hour span after the park closed which was pretty epic. Of course
there will be more on that later so read on.