Six Flags St. Louis
Eureka, Missouri
Daredevil Daze American Coaster Enthusiasts Event
September 22, 2012
Page Six

Daredevil Daze at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

It was an insanely gorgeous day for Daredevil Daze.  It was warm, nice clear skies and there was no one in the park which are some of the reasons that Daredevil Daze is the absolute best time to visit Six Flags St. Louis.  So if you want to join in the fun please join the Negative-G Forums and even if you're not an ACE member we'll get you in because the community's attitude is the more the merrier.

Daredevil Daze at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

An annual rite at Daredevil Daze is the annual "rolling of the hill" by the Negative-G Kids.  The motion sickness that I got from rolling down the hill two years ago was still fresh in mind so I passed on taking a roll this year.

Daredevil Daze at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

Like every year during lunch Six Flags St. Louis gave out door prizes and Todd got a very appropriate shirt.  Todd is awesome but we also use him jokingly as a litmus test for new folks to the group as if you can take a day with the -G "Mouth from the South" without going nuts then you're one of us.  ;-)

Daredevil Daze at Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka, Missouri

Put Billy on the Six Flags Railroad's Caboose right next to a bunch of buttons and you'll see his mischievous side come out.  No he did not push them despite being seriously tempted but all of us smartasses back there made it an interesting ride for the conductor and his spiel.  Especially his talk about Six Flags St. Louis' "new for 2013" 24 year old roller coaster. 


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Paul B. Drabek