Six Flags St. Louis
Eureka, Missouri
Evel Knievel Media Day & Opening
June 19 & 20, 2008
Page One
In early June Greg game me a call that he had been invited to Evel
Knievel's media day at Six Flags St. Louis. I of course said "heck
yeah" when he asked if I wanted to join him. The thing was we
needed to be at the park at 6:30 am which I jumped at as it's rare to get
to be up at the crack of dawn riding coasters. So I planned on leaving
work a little early (I work all night long, I'm a night owl anyway) and
heading on south. Well with the Mississippi rising and levees failing
between here and there I wasn't so sure where I'd be able to cross so I
left work even earlier and headed on down south. I got to Greg's in
plenty of time to get online, check the
Negative-G Forums and grab
a shower before heading to the park.
We got back to Evel Knievel just as the sun was peeking over the horizon.
Any day that starts out with a view like this is going to be a good one.
When we got there they had been testing the coaster and setting up the camera
rig for the media day. Greg and I wanted to hop right on but we had
to wait just a little while longer.