Six Flags St. Louis
Eureka, Missouri
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Six Flags St. Louis, Allenton, MO

You've had a hard day at work...everything isn't going right...and get called to see...the Boss.

Six Flags St. Louis, Allenton, MO

The Boss is a brand spanking new wooden terror from the creative geniuses at Custom Coasters International!  Twisting and turning around the hilly terrain the Boss has more than a few surprises for you.  There is not that much you can see from the park.  Here's a view from the Screaming Eagle.

Six Flags St. Louis, Allenton, MO

Since it is kind of hard to get many photos from inside the park I ventured outside of the park to get this shot of the Boss's turnaround before the first drop.

Six Flags St. Louis, Allenton, MO

After the quick turnaround the Boss slams you down a 150 foot double down!  Watch out at the bottom...because he has a nice twist for you.

Six Flags St. Louis, Allenton, MO

This tangle of track is the bottom of the first, second, third and fourth drops.  Watch out here because it gets a little confusing...first down to the ground then up over the trees and then before you know it back down to repeat the process again.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek