Six Flags Magic Mountain

Valencia, California

February, 2001

Page Nine


Freefall @ Six Flags Magic Mountain

Here's what happened, I had a bunch of rain drops on my poncho and when we went down all the water floated up in little water balls like you see in films from space.  It was very cool but when the car reached the point that you see above all of it splashed down in my face.

Colossus @ Six Flags Magic Mountain

Colossus....hum, I wonder if it's a big coaster?

Colossus & Goliath @ Six Flags Magic Mountain

Colossus is a nice racing woody that is pretty fun! No Colossus is not the orange track, that's Goliath which we'll get to in a couple of pages.


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  All pictures on this site have been taken by me or my wife Carrie.  Please do not use without permission but ask and chances are I'll give it to you.

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Paul B. Drabek