Six Flags Great America
Gurnee, Illinois
May 23, 2008
Page Thirteen

The Superman Ultimate Flight Rollercoaster at Six Flags Great America, Gurnee, Illinois

Up, up and away!!!

The Whizzer Rollercoaster at Six Flags Great America, Gurnee, Illinois

The last time I rode the Whizzer they were about to tear it down and I got off it thinking that I had just had my last ride over on one of my favorite coasters.

The Superman Ultimate Flight Rollercoaster at Six Flags Great America, Gurnee, Illinois

Thankfully I can still ride it and my final ride is hopefully many years away.

The Superman Ultimate Flight Rollercoaster at Six Flags Great America, Gurnee, Illinois

This kid reminded me of my last ride back in 2002.  Bond was two and just tall enough to ride.  We were going to make sure he rode the Whizzer because it meant so much to me that I couldn't stand not to share that with my son.  So he waddled up to the ride and was asked to get out and go over to the height stick so the ride operators could properly measure him.  He went up there and just like this little boy when he passed the check the station broke out into cheers and applause.  We all cheer because many of us that grew up near Great America did the very same thing.  We started out with the Whizzer and it's nice to make sure that another generation gets to start out the right way with it as well.


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Paul B. Drabek