Six Flags Great Adventure
Jackson, New Jersey
July 31, 2009
Page Two

El Toro Rollercoaster at Six Flags Great Adventure, Jackson, New Jersey

It wasn't hard to decide where to go once we got into Six Flags Great Adventure as all of us were drawn to...

El Toro Rollercoaster at Six Flags Great Adventure, Jackson, New Jersey

...El Toro.

El Toro Rollercoaster at Six Flags Great Adventure, Jackson, New Jersey

Once you get into El Toro and the ride operators drive the lap bar down hard enough for it to be in firm contact with your pelvis you're sent out and up El Toro's one hundred and eighty one foot tall lift hill.  You get to the top pretty fast as instead of a lift chain Intamin who built El Toro used their cable lift to whip you to the top.

El Toro Rollercoaster at Six Flags Great Adventure, Jackson, New Jersey

Some parts of Six Flags Great Adventure are really gorgeous and the area around El Toro is the nicest part of the park.


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Paul B. Drabek