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The Batman rollercoaster at Six Flags Fiesta Texas, San Antonio, Texas

Here is Bond saying "Hey I've got a drivers license I could take the Batmobile for a spin".

The Batman rollercoaster at Six Flags Fiesta Texas, San Antonio, Texas

In the back of Rockville sits the Power Surge.

Six Flags Fiesta Texas, San Antonio, Texas

Power Surge is a Shoot the Chutes style ride that takes you up a lift in a large boat and then drops you down into a body of water where you get soaked and everyone on the bridge gets soaked.  It is a wonderful thing especially on a hot San Antonio summer day.

Six Flags Fiesta Texas, San Antonio, Texas

Moving into the Sprassburg section of the park we had to give Sky Screamer a ride.

 Six Flags Fiesta Texas, San Antonio, Texas

This Sky Screamer is just like the other swing rides made by Funtime but this one is located right next to the quarry wall.  Spinning at forty-three miles per hour right next to the rock face really adds to the ride experience.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek