Six Flags Fiesta Texas
San Antonio, Texas
Fiesta Fest
May 27 & 28, 2016
Page Fourteen
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Here is Bond saying "Hey I've got a drivers license I could
take the Batmobile for a spin".
In the back of Rockville sits the Power Surge.
Power Surge is a Shoot the Chutes style ride that takes you up a
lift in a large boat and then drops you down into a body of water
where you get soaked and everyone on the bridge gets soaked.
It is a wonderful thing especially on a hot San Antonio summer day.
Moving into the Sprassburg section of the park we had to give Sky
Screamer a ride.
This Sky Screamer is just like the other swing rides made by Funtime
but this one is located right next to the quarry wall.
Spinning at forty-three miles per hour right next to the rock face
really adds to the ride experience.