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Bond and I couldn't make the five hour drive down to Branson, Missouri
from our humble abode in Western
, Illinois for a single day of
just time Traveler. No, we took two days off of work and school
for the Time Traveler Media Preview as well as for opening day so we
could enjoy one of our favorite theme parks.

One thing that I really like about Silver Dollar City is there is
always activity and things to do around the square before the park
opens. For opening day as we walked back into the past onto the
streets of Silver Dollar City we were greeted with Park President Brad
Thomas and Christian von Elverdfeldt President of Mack Rides sharing a
conversation about the creation of Time Traveler to the guests in

Brad is a really wonderful head of Silver Dollar City. If you ever
have the chance have a talk to him because he really loves the work of
creating memorable experiences for everyone who visits his park.
He really cares about all of those who work with him at Silver Dollar
City and those who choose to visit.
At the end of their talk right before the park opened for the 2018
season Brad asked everyone for a moment of silence and gave a really
heartfelt prayer asking God to look over everyone there no matter their
faith, to look over the park, the employees, the guests and the rides
and for the world to receive guidance so that everyone could have a
wonderful and blessed life. To some in this easily cynical world
it would be easy to say that is just a shtick or playing a role as you
might see elsewhere. Listening to Brad and others from
Silver Dollar City this isn't a role, it is who they are.
The people here from the top down genuinely care and see how their job
of giving us all a break from the harshness of life and joy is their
You could break down the management and business principle is do things
the right way and everything else will work out.

Bond had to stop and drool over the forge that Silver Dollar City's
Blacksmiths have. He is going into welding and manufacturing next
year after high school and looks forward to playing around with a bit of
what they do here on the side.

A new addition for 2018 which I am certain that when Carrie will love
when she comes back to the park with us later this year is this shop.
Copyright 1999 - 2025
Paul B.