Silver Dollar City
Branson, Missouri
March 25 & 26, 2011
Page Ten

The Powder Keg Roller Coaster at Silver Dollar City, Branson, Missouri

Powder Keg or Wildfire that is the question?  Bond went for Powder Keg.

The Powder Keg Roller Coaster at Silver Dollar City, Branson, Missouri

Powder Keg has a fantastic launch.  You roll out to the launch track and soon as the lights roll down the Christmas Tree; as drag racers call the warning lights, you are shot out and over one of the most amazing airtime hills you'll experience before diving down the side of the mountain towards Table Rock Lake.

The Powder Keg Roller Coaster at Silver Dollar City, Branson, Missouri

It's hard to give a blow by blow description of Powder Keg's layout because the whole ride just so fast and intense.  It's a blur of twists, turns, hills, airtime and speed.

The Powder Keg Roller Coaster at Silver Dollar City, Branson, Missouri

The interesting thing is Powder Keg is intense but it's an intense that kids and pretty much everyone taller than thirty six inches can enjoy.


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Paul B. Drabek