Silver Dollar City
Branson, Missouri
July 30, 2006
Page Four

The Powder Keg rollercoaster at Silver Dollar City, Branson, MO

You get some nice air in the front of Powder Keg but both Greg and I were in agreement that the back is really where it is at.

The Powder Keg rollercoaster at Silver Dollar City, Branson, MO

After the lift hill and drop Powder Keg takes you into a nice helix before hitting the brakes.

The Powder Keg rollercoaster at Silver Dollar City, Branson, MO

Here you can see the transition from S&S track into the old Premier brake run.

The Powder Keg rollercoaster at Silver Dollar City, Branson, MO

What's cool is the Powder Keg is a family launched coaster meaning that anyone over thirty-six inches can ride.  It's not too intense but it it is full of something that a lot of "extreme" coasters seem to be lacking which is fun.  It's hard to ride Powder Keg without getting off with a huge smile on your face.  I want more of these coasters at parks all across the country.


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Paul B. Drabek