Silver Dollar City
Branson, Missouri
July 30, 2006
Page Eleven
There's actually some history behind the story for Fire in the Hole.
It seems that after a fight in 1873 the local version of the Klu Klux Klan,
known as the Baldknobbers decided to set fire to the town.
The Baldknobbers were the ones in the dorky and laughable hoods as seen
on the wanted poster to the right.
Being themed after a fire station Fire in the Hole had to have a Dalmatian
in the station house. This dog has it pretty good with people constantly
petting her and giving her attention while waiting their turn in line.
Once you're loaded up it is time to take a trip through the burning town.
Mostly Fire in the Hole is a dark ride but it is definitely a coaster with
its ending. Don't worry I won't spoil the surprise.