Schlitterbahn Kansas City
Kansas City, Kansas
BahnCon 2017
August 19 2017
Page Ten
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How does one do a cardboard boat regatta you might ask?
First off you need a bunch of boats and secondly and most importantly
you need a body of water with a current. The Krystal River was the
perfect place to have our regatta. Team leaders took the boats to
the far side of the river and were all let go at the same time.
Summer and her daughter's "Eclipse Warrior" quickly shot far out front
and we were all certain that they were going to be the winner...
...but you never know how a regatta is going to go as the Eclipse
Warrior a couple of feet before crossing the line hit a dead pocket and
just stopped. Coming around the bend was Jordan and Bond's
creation followed by the most unconventional design in the race.
With the Eclipse Warrior stuck in the dead zone Bond and Jordan's "SS
IDontKnow" came around and overtook the once insurmountable lead...
...and became the first winner of the BahnCon Regatta!