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Santa's Village AzooSement Park, East Dundee, IL

Here is a little jackass...and Bond.

Santa's Village AzooSement Park, East Dundee, IL

In the back of Macdonald's Farm is is the deer habitat.

Santa's Village AzooSement Park, East Dundee, IL

Bond was quite popular with these fawns.

Santa's Village AzooSement Park, East Dundee, IL

Everyone was having a great time at Santa's Village.

Santa's Village AzooSement Park, East Dundee, IL

One of the extra things that Amber got to do was to pan for some precious stones.  She was given a bag full of dirt and rocks and after sorting the good stuff from the waste she ended up with a little bag to put the stones in.  While I am not a big upcharge attraction fan this was well worth it as she really enjoyed the process and left the park with her stones happily in hand.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek