Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk
Santa Cruz, California
June 15, 2019
Page Nine
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The first ride one should not miss is the Sea Serpent coaster.
Some of you might think that it is just a Dragon Wagon kiddie coaster
and that I'm just being a coaster whore to add one more coaster to my
For your first point you are completely wrong. The Sea Serpent is
a custom made terrain hugging kids coaster designed by EF Miler that is
squeezed beneath the Loggers Revenge and on the side of the hill going
down into the sunken kids area.
About the second point about me being a coaster whore hungry for another
notch to add to my belt I have to admit that you are correct.
Coaster whore or not the Sea Serpent is insanely fun and is currently my
#1 ranked Dragon Wagon coaster.