Trimper's Rides & Jolly Roger
Ocean City, Maryland
May 9, 2009
Page Seven

Trimpers Rides at Ocean City, MD

It is nice that Trumpers has running lights along the Tidal Wave.  It'd be interesting to see all lit up at night.

Trimpers Rides at Ocean City, MD

Here's a view where you can see how tightly squeezed into Trumpers lot the Tidal Wave is.

Trimpers Rides at Ocean City, MD

Chance Toboggan's look really cool and stylish...

Trimpers Rides at Ocean City, MD

...but I know from having been on several of these they're not fun to ride.  If you want to imagine riding one go into your living room and spin around really fast and then bend forward and back really fast snapping your neck before hitting the brake run and maybe your head on the car.


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Paul B. Drabek