Michigan's Adventure
Muskegon, MI
June 14, 2007
Page Five
The Corkscrew is the ride that with it's addition in 1979 really started
turning what was just a roadside petting zoo into Michigan's largest, and
well only amusement park.

Corkscrew is like many coasters of the same name is your standard production
model Corkscrew coaster from Arrow Dynamics.

You've got your turn, lift, turn, drop, turn, corkscrew, turn, brake run,
station just like every other Corkscrew coaster that Arrow made.
Corkscrew at Michigan's Adventure is special. Well not only does it
have the ugliest coaster station ever but it has this nice stretch of track
after the corkscrew where the track's spine is bent up. I'm just curious
as to who screwed up and bent the coaster track?
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Paul B.