Michigan's Adventure
Muskegon, MI
June 14, 2007
Page Ten

The Shivering Timbers Rollercoaster at Michigan's Adventure, Muskegon, MI

This is the coaster that made the coaster enthusiast community stand up, grab for their maps and ask the question "where's Muskegon".

The Shivering Timbers Rollercoaster at Michigan's Adventure, Muskegon, MI

There wasn't the big announcement followed by websites full of graphics and videos like today back in 1998 when Shivering Timbers was built.  In fact the first anyone really heard about Shivering Timbers was a photo showing snow covered track with hill after hill heading off into the distance.

The Shivering Timbers Rollercoaster at Michigan's Adventure, Muskegon, MI

Everyone around gasped "my Lord" and immediately started planning their trip.

The Shivering Timbers Rollercoaster at Michigan's Adventure, Muskegon, MI

Shivering Timbers is a behemoth just goes on and on out into the distance with an amazing number of hills.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek