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The Mura Realm at Lost Island Theme Park, Waterloo, Iowa

With each set of hands that are placed on the shrine it comes to life.

The Mura Realm at Lost Island Theme Park, Waterloo, Iowa

 With four people cooperating and laying their hands on the shrine it comes to life with lights and fountains.

The Makatu Shrine in the Mura Realm at Lost Island Theme Park, Waterloo, Iowa

The Makatu Shrine does have a secret. 

The Makatu Shrine in the Mura Realm at Lost Island Theme Park, Waterloo, Iowa

To really awaken the power of the shrine you need a fifth set of hands.  Once four sets of hands are placed on the shrine a fifth secret hand pad appears and the shrine erupts.  We didn't learn about this until after we had left that day so keep your eyes open and get a fifth person to really experience this.

The Volkanu:  Quest for the Golden Idol in the Mura Realm at Lost Island Theme Park, Waterloo, Iowa

Learning that through teamwork we can accomplish more we headed off to take on Lost Islands Volkanu:  Quest for the Golden Idol.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek