Little Amerricka Amusement Park
Marshall, Wisconsin
August 12, 2011
Page Two
I've done a Herschell Mad Mouse before but this was to be Bond's first try
at one. He was a little nervous about how rickety the structure is.
As he put it the coaster looks like it was a giant erector set bolted together.
Being a fifty-one year old steel coaster it is beyond ancient. Look
at this kids face. He looks like he's not so sure the ride is going
to hold together and might shake itself apart. The Mad Mouse is rough
and shaky but that is really part of the coasters classic charm.
This coaster is just fun and frightening at the same time. You can
see both of those emotions on the faces of these girls as they speed around
one of the turns on the Mad Mouse.
Another little way the Mad Mouse messes with your mind is it has absolutely
no restraints. Most people are used to strapping in, getting locked
down on and being secured as much as possible when they ride. All
you have holding you in is gravity and nothing more.