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millions of guests never appeared at Boyertown U.S.A.
The demise was the result of location as Lakemont is not near a large population
and those that grew up going to Lakemont Park were not happy to have to
pay to enter what was one free and with all the trees gone a lot of its
charm was lost. Boyertown U.S.A. lasted from May 1986 to July 1988
before the theme park fell into bankruptcy and Boyertown was no more.

Thankfully one of the contractors who built many of the buildings for Boyertown
stepped up and purchased the operations of the park and out of a disaster
that could have cost the world Lakemont Park, the Skyliner and Leap The

And now you know the rest of the story. Sorry about going all Paul
Harvey there.

Even though Boyertown U.S.A. added gates and took many of Lakemont's
trees and rustic charm away at least it saved the Skyliner which is an insanely
fun ride.

If you like airtime then my suggestion is to head for the back. Skyliner
has air in every seat but the back seat has one of the most terrifying moments
of air. As you come off the first turnaround you are going to end
up holding on because Skyliner whips over the crest of the hill rocketing
you up into the lap bar and as hard as you hit it your brain just knows
it is going to break and you are going to be sent skyward to your death.
The lap bar doesn't break but you end up with one hell of an adrenaline
rush and get to live to tell the tale.
Copyright 1999 - 2025
Paul B.