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Leap The Dips, The worlds oldest roller coaster at Lakemont Park and The Island Waterpark, Altoona, Pennsylvania

Leap The Dips didn't make it out of the Boyertown U.S.A. fiasco unscathed.  After Boyertown's bankruptcy and closing Leap The Dips fell into disrepair and did not run for over a decade.

Leap The Dips, The worlds oldest roller coaster at Lakemont Park and The Island Waterpark, Altoona, Pennsylvania

Thankfully a few people in the community rallied together to start Leap The Dips Preservation Society that raised funds for the rides restoration and operates and cares for the ride today.  A ride on Leap The Dips is not included in admission to Lakemont Park but I have no problem spending the $2.50 for a few rides on this classic.

Leap The Dips, The worlds oldest roller coaster at Lakemont Park and The Island Waterpark, Altoona, Pennsylvania

So let's take you for a ride on a one hundred and thirteen year old roller coaster.

A little coaster geek technical footnote is take a look at the anti-rollback boards that line the lift hill.  As the car goes past the board it pops out behind you so if the chain ever broke the car would roll backwards into the pair of boards and stop.  It i not as elegant design as the modern anti-rollbacks that go click click click as you go up a lift hill or over a hill on a modern coaster but it works.

Leap The Dips, The worlds oldest roller coaster at Lakemont Park and The Island Waterpark, Altoona, Pennsylvania

Here is a view from the top of Leap The Dips.  It is all around and down from here.

Leap The Dips, The worlds oldest roller coaster at Lakemont Park and The Island Waterpark, Altoona, Pennsylvania

You can get a good look at Leap The Dips figure eight layout from up here. 


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek