Lake Winnepesaukah
Rossville, Georgia
May 28, 2011
Page Three
Here's Paul and Mike heading out for a front seat ride on the Cannon
Ball. I have yet to take a ride on this coaster in the front because
with three bench cars on any wooden coaster the back seat of each car just
calls to me as they tend to give some really nice jolts of airtime with
a teeter totter sort of action when the front of the car gets pulled down
by the track sending the back and it's riders up into the air.
During ERT we rode the Cannon Ball, then Cannon Ball and then Cannon Ball
and then Wild Lightnin' then back to the Cannon Ball for more Cannon Ball.
I did tell Bond that he had to ride Wild Lightnin' with me at least once
as he and I like to beat each other up by slamming into each other on laterally
intense rides like Wild Lightnin'. His "elbows of steel"
got in a few licks but I got in a few myself. It was all fun.
As you can see Bond and Travis gave Wild Lightnin' a big thumbs up.