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The Jet Star 2 Roller Coaster at Lagoon Amusement Park, Farmington, Utah

Jet Star 2's design gives you just enough of a pause to catch your breath as it circles around the back of the lift..

 The Jet Star 2 Roller Coaster at Lagoon Amusement Park, Farmington, Utah

...before plunging you down into the maelstrom of track for another go at it.

The Jet Star 2 Roller Coaster at Lagoon Amusement Park, Farmington, Utah

Jet Star 2's second drop as you can see by all of the flying hair is where all of the airtime on this ride is.  As a designer he keeps you busy with positive and lateral forces and then just when you've forgotten about negative-g's there is this wonderful drop that puts the seat belt that holds you in to the test.

The Jet Star 2 Roller Coaster at Lagoon Amusement Park, Farmington, Utah

Right about here where the Jet Star 2 enters its tightest helix is where on our second ride Bond broke my nose.  He was seated in the front and was leaning a little forward after the drop and when the positive-g's kicked in whack his head shot back and nailed me right in the honker.  If you've never had your nose broken all I can say is that it is one of the sharpest pains you will ever have.  It feels like a jolt of pain mixed with a six pack of energy drink's caffeine instantaneously delivered right into your cerebral cortex.  It's not the first time I've had my nose broken.  I had several during seven years of martial arts, my little brother gave me one, one time was on Zoombabwe at Holiday World and when Bond was two he head butted me just like he did on the Jet Star 2 while throwing a fit.  The only positive with having it broken this many times is it hurts like hell for ten minutes then the pain wears off. 

The Jet Star 2 Roller Coaster at Lagoon Amusement Park, Farmington, Utah

With the second drop giving you a pop of airtime followed quickly by positive and then lateral g forces this stretch is really where the Jet Star 2 rocks.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek