Knoebels Amusement Resort
Elysburg, Pennsylvania
July 10, 2015
Page Eighteen
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During the day Knoebels is fun but at night with all of the neon signs,
lit up rides and the shroud of darkness the park becomes a magical place.
There is something about all the neon lighting up this and that which sets
the mood.
Speaking of moods and darkness night time is the best time to visit the
Haunted House at Knoebels.
We all had a good freight on the Haunted House and here is our group.
From the left to the right there is Bond, Chris, Kate, Corey, Brittany,
Paul, John, Draven, myself and Adrianna.
Even with the fall of night and the end of our day getting closer and closer
we were not giving up the quest to ride just yet.