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The Flyers at Knoebels Amusement Resort, Elysburg, Pennsylvania

One of my favorite rides in the world is Knoebels legendary Flyers.

The Flyers at Knoebels Amusement Resort, Elysburg, Pennsylvania

The Flyers are a wicked gasoline powered Flying Scooters type ride from Bisch-Rocco.

The Flyers at Knoebels Amusement Resort, Elysburg, Pennsylvania

With the Flyers once you are strapped in with a simple leather strap, the ride starts spinning and then you are in control.  If you want a wild ride you can get a hell of a wild ride and if you want a mellow ride this one will still be a bit wild because that is just the nature of the Flyers.

The Flyers at Knoebels Amusement Resort, Elysburg, Pennsylvania

I love the Flyers but they really scare the crap out of me at least once per ride.

The Flyers at Knoebels Amusement Resort, Elysburg, Pennsylvania

I get a good rhythm going working the sail back and forth and as fast as the rides spins soon you are "snapping" the cables as they go slack then "snap" when they tighten. 

What is terrifying is when you have both the front and rear cables snap especially when you are at the apex of your rise and fall.   When this "high double snap" happens you can hear from me in rapid succession "gonna die, gonna die...".  It terrifys me but it gets the adrenaline going and by the time I get off I am high as a kite.  That is what makes the Flyers either something you crave or something that you fear.

Or both.


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Paul B. Drabek