Kings Island
Kings Mills, Ohio
June 15, 2023
Page Sixteen
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These huge pendulum rides like Delirium are so much fun.
For 2024 Kings Island got a couple of new flat rides and a complete
re-theming of the part of the park between the Action Zone and the Coney
What they did was to turn that corner of the park into the Adventure
Port. Don't worry about the signs asking for passports as
Adventure Port's customs procedures are pretty lax.
One thing that I really like about Cedar Fair of late is they really get
that they need to bring theming back to their parks.
You don't need to spend a ton to theme but it can turn a corner of
a park into a wonderful new place. Just look here as they painted
up the area, added some decorative flags, and some colorful umbrellas
and the place looks awesome.