Paramount's Kings Island
Kings Mills, Ohio
November 6, 2005
Page Six

Spongebob Squarepants at Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

He didn't want to see anyone else, just Spongobob.

Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

It's been a while since I saw Crocodile Dundee but I don't remember him using an omerang.  By the way what's an omerang?

The Runaway Reptar Roller Coaster at Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

Bond really wasn't wanting to try out any coasters but he really enjoyed watching the four kid sized coasters in Nickelodeon Central including the Rugrat's Runaway Reptar.

Baba Louie's Buggies at Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

In the back corner of Nickelodeon Central are a few remaining rides from when this area was Hanna Barbera Land.

Baba Louie's Buggies at Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

Baba Louie's Buggies is a hand driven train and Bond was excited about getting a ride on this.


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Paul B. Drabek