Paramount's Kings Island
Kings Mills, Ohio
November 2, 2002
Page Six

Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

Face off isn't that bad if the line is short.  It's got some thrill and intensity to give you a thrill.

Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

Did your Mom ever warn you "don't go too close to the might fall"?  Well Drop Zone let's you fall despite what Mother says.

Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

Yes, it is a long way up there, don't worry you'll be back to terra firma pretty quick.

Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

Here is Debbie and Bob after they took the big plunge on Drop Zone.

Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, Ohio

Ok, my first visit to Kings Island I actually missed Adventure Express as you really don't see anything but this sign from the midway.  Don't miss this on your visit as it is a wonderful mine train.


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Paul B. Drabek