Kings Dominion
Doswell, Virginia
August 3, 2010
Page Five

The Intimidator 305 Rollercoaster at Kings Dominion, Doswell, Virginia

Here's "Alabama Mike" (we had 2 Mikes on the trip, the other was from Illinois so it was easiest to call them by their state name, also he's Mikeau on the -G Forums) getting ready to take "Timi" for a ride. 

One modification that has been made to Intimidator 305 since opening was the replacement of it's restraints.  It had hard harnesses like those on Maverick at Cedar Point but a few months ago they were replaced with these padded straps.  This has to be the best idea that Intamin, the company who made Intimidator 305 has had in decades because they secure you comfortably which is something that most of their restraints do not do.  Take Intimidator's violent directional changes with a hard harness would have been torture with your neck getting bashed again and again.  Now if they can just add these to all of their coasters with over the shoulder restraints I'd be happy and a whole lot of people would enjoy their rides more.

The Intimidator 305 Rollercoaster at Kings Dominion, Doswell, Virginia

Here's Alabama Mike and Illinois Mike coming back from another Intimidator ride in what is my favorite seat. 

The Intimidator 305 Rollercoaster at Kings Dominion, Doswell, Virginia

Here's Corey, Bond, Mike and Josh after another ride.

The Intimidator 305 Rollercoaster at Kings Dominion, Doswell, Virginia

After as many rides as we could cram in before the crowds filled Intimidator 305's queue we headed to check out the rest of Kings Dominion.  Intimidator 305 is such a massive ride that it's towering lift hill is visible from almost every corner of the park.


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Paul B. Drabek