Kings Dominion
Doswell, Virginia
August 3, 2010
Page Eleven

The Shock Wave Roller coaster at Kings Dominion, Doswell, Virginia

If you can stand having a pipe rammed up your rear end for two minutes then they'll let you ride Shock Wave.  That's how they tell if you're able to ride it.

The Shock Wave Roller coaster at Kings Dominion, Doswell, Virginia

Here's Shock Wave's first drop.  As you can see people are smiling here but they won't by the time the train reaches the station.

The Shock Wave Roller coaster at Kings Dominion, Doswell, Virginia

I like Shock Wave and the late King Cobra's layouts but the restraints are just so painful for anyone over 5 feet tall and 150 pounds.

The Shock Wave Roller coaster at Kings Dominion, Doswell, Virginia

After the painful experience of Shock Wave we ran into Kings Dominion local and Negative-G Forum Member Robbie who helped us with our game plan for conquering the rest of the park.


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Paul B. Drabek