Melrose Park, Illinois
August 24, 2008
Page One

Kiddieland, Melrose Park, Illinois

I try to get to at least one new park a year and with this year being a light one for park visits for me an opportunity to finally get to Kiddieland in Melrose Park presented itself to me when Carrie needed to go up to the Chicago area for a knitters/spinners convention.  She's into that sort of stuff like I'm into coasters so while she was buying various yarns and fleeces for spinning Bond and I, along with my Mother and my niece Allison headed on over to Kiddieland.

With Santa's Village, Hillcrest Park and Dispenses Kiddy Kingdom all gone Kiddyland is the last of it's kind in the Chicago area; that being the type of park that caters to families and children.  

The Minature Railway at Kiddieland, Melrose Park, Illinois

After getting into Kiddieland our first stop was the Kiddyland Limited Railroad as it was right inside the gate.

The Minature Railway at Kiddieland, Melrose Park, Illinois

Bond and Allison were all ready to go.

The Minature Railway at Kiddieland, Melrose Park, Illinois

I really do like these old trains.


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Paul B. Drabek