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The theming for this mouse coaster is that you are a rat in an old
power plant and they are sending the exterminator in to get you.

The Exterminator is a standard spinning mouse coaster but Kennywood added
theming to make it way more fun that it should be.

A new addition to Kennywood since my last visit eleven years ago is The
Black Widow. I love this cool sign and entrance for the ride.

The Black Widow is similar to the Giant Frisbee type rides like MaxAir at
Cedar Point but was made by Zamperla
instead of Huss.

The ride is basically a giant pendulum where you sit on the bottom and face
outwards while swinging and rotating. Black Widow is really fun and
with all of the breeze created by swinging back and forth at sixty-eight
miles per hour can really cool you down on a hot summer day.
Copyright 1999 - 2025
Paul B.