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The Thunderbolt Roller Coaster at Kennywood Park, West Mifflin, PA

What makes the Thunderbolt a really amazing coaster is it really throws all of the conventions of your typical wooden coaster and throws them out of the window.

The Thunderbolt Roller Coaster at Kennywood Park, West Mifflin, PA

The biggest drop is not the first, instead it is the last.  There is no lift to start it all out.  Instead you dive down the hill and don't even come to the lift until the ride is almost half over.  The turns in the helix aren't banked to keep you from slamming into the side of the car.  The Thunderbolt takes what you expect and just throws it all out which is why it is held in such high regard.  If the rest of Kennywood isn't reason enough to plan a trip to Pennsylvania then Thunderbolt is.

Kennywood Park, West Mifflin, PA

No you are not tripping.  Bond is actually drinking water out of a giant mushroom. 

Kennywood Park, West Mifflin, PA

Since 1917 Kennywood Kennywood has hosted nationality days.  One of the biggest is the Italian Day which happened to be the same day we were there.

Kennywood Park, West Mifflin, PA

I am not Italian in the slightest but I absolutely loved being there with all of these Italians celebrating the culture from which they came.  There were people singing Sinatra tunes, there was dancing and there were old friends and new friends just celebrating who they are and what they brought to this melting pot of a country.

Even though I'm not Italian as the lady I chatted with while the guys were on the Lil Phantom said to me "You may not be Italian but you're Italian today" before giving me a hug.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek