West Mifflin, Pennsylvania
Kennycon 2015
July 12, 2015
Page Fourteen
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Kennywood is a park full of classic rides and The Turtle is a
rare gem in a park full of rare rides.
The Turtle at Kennywood is a "Tumble Bug" ride that is one of the
two remaining rides of this type.
Kennywood's Tumble Bug was themed to a turtle when it was added to
the park in 1927.
The Turtle is almost coaster like. The cars go around a
circular undulating track with electrical engines that send the cars
back and forth getting faster and faster until it goes over the
Once the Turtle gets up to speed and over the hills that is when The
Turtle really becomes fun. You slide down the bench seating
and slam into your fellow riders. There are lots of laughing
coming out of the cars. In the end everyone ends up with a
smile in their face.