Kemah Boardwalk
Kemah, TX
October 19. 2007
Page Two

The Boardwalk Bullet Rollercoaster at the Kemah Boardwalk, Kemah Texas

Rising from the shore of Galveston Harbor the Boardwalk Bullet is the newest creation from the twisted geniuses over at the Gravity Group.

The Boardwalk Bullet Rollercoaster at the Kemah Boardwalk, Kemah Texas

It was funny because we got out of the car and I was all slack-jawed in awe of this twisted coaster and totally failed to notice one of its cars right next to me until Kevin and Greg called my attention to it.  Thank god there were no cars driving by or I'd probably have gotten ran over while gawking at the coaster.

The Boardwalk Bullet Rollercoaster at the Kemah Boardwalk, Kemah Texas

The Boardwalk Bullet takes up only about an acre of real estate and all of it is shoe horned in there including squeezing over Kemah's trash dump.

The Boardwalk Bullet Rollercoaster at the Kemah Boardwalk, Kemah Texas

Would this house not be the ultimate bed and breakfast for coaster enthusiasts?  I know I'd love to have a coaster like the Bullet hovering over my backyard but evidently the owners don't care for it as they were on Fox News earlier this year complaining.  I guess the Boardwalk offered to buy them out but they refused so the coaster was built right up to two sides of their property.  Still I'm glad that the Boardwalk and Gravity Group had such little space to work with as it forced them to get really creative and make one unique coaster.


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Paul B. Drabek