Indiana Beach
Monticello, Indiana
June 22, 2024
Page Five

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The All American Triple Loop Roller Coaster at Indiana Beach, Monticello Indiana

All American Triple Loop was designed to have three trains running and that is why there are so many blocks squeezed into the coasters 3,379 feet of track.

The All American Triple Loop at Indiana Beach, Monticello Indiana

While I love this coasters aggressiveness about the only thing that I didn't like were the restraints.  All American Triple Loop opened with lap bar only restraints.  Unfortunately one of the original trains was damaged in an accident and my assumption is the other two fell victim to the poor maintenance at Aztlan Parque Urbano that lead to the rides accident that closed it there.

The All American Triple Loop at Indiana Beach, Monticello Indiana

Indiana Beach ended up purchasing the trains from Galaxyland at the West Edmonton Mall when that park closed Mindbender in 2021.  That coaster was a mirror image of All American Triple Loop.

The All American Triple Loop at Indiana Beach, Monticello Indiana

Unfortunately the Mindbender trains had lap bars and accordion style over the shoulder restraints.

The All American Triple Loop at Indiana Beach, Monticello Indiana

What makes the lapbar/shoulder restraint combo on this ride so horrible is the high G forces make the over the shoulder restraints lower on riders during the ride.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek