Indiana Beach
Monticello, Indiana
July 7 & 8, 2011
Page Four

Indiana Beach Amusement Resort, Monticello, Indiana

There's great food all over Indiana Beach but my favorite place is the Skyroom Restaurant.  The food there is four stars or more and it's a great place to people watch.  I highly suggest their Philly Cheese Steak for lunch.

Indiana Beach Amusement Resort, Monticello, Indiana

It's hard for any red blooded boy to walk past a game where you shoot a machine gun full of BB's in rapid fire at a target and not get an itchy trigger finger.  I couldn't not let Bond fire off a few hundred rounds as that would be cruel.

Indiana Beach Amusement Resort, Monticello, Indiana

While he didn't win anything he is considerably a better shot than the last time he tried this game.  Give him a .22 rifle and he'll bulls-eye a target at a hundred yards no problem so eventually he'll start shooting the star out.

Indiana Beach Amusement Resort, Monticello, Indiana

This was a disappointment.  With Indiana Beach's new Adventure Point area they moved the swings over by the Hoosier Hurricane's station in what was the old parking lot.  That change of location turned what was the best swing ride ever as it took you over the lake and ski show into just another boring swing ride. 


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Paul B. Drabek