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"It was a dark and stormy night" is what I was tol
d by a friend to
start this Trip Report with when I aupined about the hardest part of writing
is coming up with the first sentence while being unable to start off this
Trip Report.

Truthfully it wasn't dark when we arrived at Idlewild Park (it did get dark
eventually as you will see) and there wasn't a storm cloud in the sky as
we had just about the most perfect weather for this day and the trip.
The temperature was a comfortable mid 80's, little humidity and other than
a hour of a storm at Dorney Park it was just like this for our entire trip.

Arriving at Idlewild was a little weird as when you pull into the park there
are gates before you enter the parking lot which one would assume was to
pay for parking but no those are Idlewild's entrance gates where you pay
for your tickets and drive instead of walking through the turnstiles.
Once in past the gates/parking booth Idlewild feels less like an amusement
park but more like going into a town's park for a summer picnic. There
is no one parking lot but dozens spread down the length of the park.
Once you have parked there is no set way to enter Idlewild as there are
paths going this way and that and like a giant "Choose Your Own Adventure"
book we picked one and took it to where it went.

Where we ended was right in the middle of the "Hootin' Holler" wild west
section of Idlewild where the guys took the Howler for a little spin-n-puke

The Howler looks like a fun little ride and it is great for kids as you
have to grab the wheel and burn off a little of that limitless energy they
Copyright 1999 - 2025
Paul B.