Idlewild Park
Ligonier, Pennsylvania
July 11, 2015
Page Six
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What kid who grew up watching Mr. Rodgers' Neighborhood didn't want
to hop on the Neighborhood Trolley and head off to the Neighborhood of Make
Unfortunately this ride does not take you to the Neighborhood of Make Believe
that was populated with King Friday, Prince Tuesday, Henrietta Pussycat
or my favorite Lady Elaine. Times change and with the passing of Mr.
Rodgers a few years ago PBS spun off a replacement show called Daniel Tiger's
Neighborhood. This year Idlewild updated the ride that Fred Rodgers
himself helped design and now a new cast of characters has taken up residence
in the Neighborhood of Make Believe.
Even though there are a new neighborhood of characters the rides story remains
the same.
It is "Neighbor Day" in the Neighborhood of Make Believe Prince Wednesday
asks that you go around and invite neighbors to the "hug & song" at
the castle. At each stop along the Neighborhood Trolley line your
job is to invite all of the neighbors to the hug & song by saying in
unison as a group "Won't you come along to the castle hug & song".
This is Lady Elaine's "Museum Go Round" house and many of the characters
in Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood are the children of those characters that
I grew up with. Miss Elaina is Lady Elaine's daughter.