Idlewild Park
Ligonier, Pennsylvania
July 11, 2015
Page Ten
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I had heard that Rollo Coaster was a "Baby Boulder Dash" but
I really wasn't expecting it to be as much like that ride. As
much as the two coasters feel almost like clones I have to wonder is
Lake Compounce when asking for a design for their park said "We want
a coaster like Rollo Coaster but bigger".
Before we hit the turnaround of this terrain out and back coaster I
was smitten and the ride just kept getting better and better.
When we finally slid onto Rollo Coaster's hand operated skid brakes
both Bond and I could only mutter one word and that was "wow"!
If I had the opportunity to build a wooden coaster on some property
for me and my friends I have to say that Rollo Coaster comes the
closest out of every coaster I have ridden to what I would build for
With a classic park with a classic coaster and classic rides you
have to have a classic carousel at the center of it all as the heart
of the park.
This three ring carousel was added to Idlewild in 1931.