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Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

The seating in Kringles was ok twenty years ago when Holiday World was a small regional park but as they have massively grown from 500,000 guests a year when I first visited in the late 1990's to well over a million guests a year finding seating nowadays is a serious challenge.

Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

Not just expanding the seating but Holiday World has expanded the food offerings at Kringles way beyond the pizza and burgers of old.

Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

Another change that I noticed was that one of the slides for the oddly placed Hyena Falls was gone.  Hyena Falls location makes no sense to me as it is about a thousand feet away from Splashin' Safari and with the walkway to Thunderbird in the way it just makes no sense.  Hopefully Holiday World moves these slides back into Splashin' Safari and frees up this space for a much needed additional flat ride for Thanksgiving.

Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

One great thing that Holiday World has added in the recent years is the amazing culinary treat that is the Dole Whip.  A Dole Whip is a soft serve dairy free ice cream type substance.  The most common flavor is pineapple but I chose a pineapple strawberry swirl.  It is a must to have especially on a hot Southern Indiana day.

Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

HoliWood Nights as usual began with food and exclusive waterpark time down in Splashin' Safari.  Attendees have access to Bahari, Zinga, Zoombabwe, Mammoth and Wildebeest.  Out of care for my readers I did not include any photos of myself enjoying the water park. 


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek