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Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

The viewing platform on Zinga is by far the best place to go for entertainment down in Splashin' Safari.  When most people plunge out of the darkness into the funnel they forget that there is a crowd of people a few feet away that get to see and hear everything.  I do remember the one time Carrie rode this.  She went by herself (I was watching Bond as we had to do take turns when he was little) and with all the weight on her side of the raft she went down backwards.  The colorful expletives that came out of her mouth when she plunged down into the funnel might have made her father who was in the Navy blush.  It sure as heck made everyone watching laugh.

Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

Bahari Action River is always fun and it was nice to see that Holiday World added these covers for the seats so you can get a break from the sun.

Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

When Bond was little we spent so much fun in Holiday World's other water play structure Monsoon Lagoon.  Bond loved running up the giant jungle gym and then sliding down the water slides while getting a few hundred gallons dumped on us every couple of minutes.

Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

As Holiday World and Splashin' Safari is always expanding there was work going on getting the new Tembo Falls and Tembo waves area ready to open.

Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

Back to the coasters it is time for another HoliWood Nights tradition...coaster walk backs.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek