Holiday World & Splashin' Safari
Santa Claus, Indiana
2006 Construction Update
December 10, 2005

The New For 2006 Voyage Rollercoaster at Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

There has been work all around Holiday World & Splashin' Safari this week as well as a lot of snow.  This is the Voyage's second hill.  I tried to get  a picture of the work that has been going on with hill number three but with all of the snow in the trees it is camouflaged pretty well.

The New For 2006 Voyage Rollercoaster at Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

The structure for The Voyage's station has been progressing.  I am curious to see how it is going to be as it is going to house the station, computers, train storage, work area and the queue as well.  With all of that it is going to be big.

The New For 2006 Pepsi Oasis at Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

The wood structure over by The Voyage's station is going to be a new Pepsi Oasis (my normal mix of Sierra Mist and fruit punch sounds good right now) and bathroom.  Between this building and The Voyage's station is going to be the walkway down into Thanksgiving.  I'm still not sure what the long concrete structure is but I'm guessing that it is The Voyage's second to last tunnel.

The New For 2006 Voyage Rollercoaster at Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

I wish The Voyage were up and running today as I'd love to take it for a ride through the snow covered woods.  It'd be a little cold but wow what a memorable ride that would be.  I've just got 146 days to go.

The New For 2006 Voyage Rollercoaster at Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

Other than the visible work I keep seeing dump trucks bringing load after load of dirt out of the woods near the Voyage's turnaround so things are obviously progressing there whether it be for tunnels or footers.  I'll update again when things are added.

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Paul B. Drabek