Holiday World & Splashin' Safari
Santa Claus, Indiana
2006 Construction Update
November 5 2005
Page One

The New For 2006 Voyage Rollercoaster at Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

I had someone request a photo of The Voyage with the Raven and Legend in it as to compare sizes.  Unfortunately there's no way for me to get such a photo from the ground but here's two of Holiday World's three wooden coasters in a photo.  That's The Legend to the left with top of The Voyage towering 57 feet higher than it.

The New For 2006 Voyage Rollercoaster at Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

From the looks of it The Voyage's second hill is near to being topped off.  The way it is curving there might be one or two more bents before it starts to head back down.  The crane spent a bunch of this week off to the right of the structure so my guess is they are going to work up from that side before meeting up at the top.

The New For 2006 Voyage Rollercoaster at Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

The second crew working on The Voyage has been extending the lift hill back down towards the station.  By the looks of it there's going to be one heck of a head chopper when the lift goes under the return run because the two tracks are going to be pretty close.

The New For 2006 Voyage Rollercoaster at Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

They started working on this structure earlier in the week and I'm still trying to figure out what it is.  The Voyage will wrap around behind it before entering its final tunnel and on its way back to the station after hitting the brakes.


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Paul B. Drabek