Holiday World & Splashin' Safari
Santa Claus, Indiana
2006 Construction Update
October 22 2005
Page One

The New For 2006 Voyage Rollercoaster at Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

This past week has been pretty big for The Voyage with some serious work going on.  The lift hill was topped off on Monday and as you can see from last week's update there is a lot more to it.

The New For 2006 Voyage Rollercoaster at Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

There also was a bunch of dirt being removed from the area next to the station where The Voyage's second to last tunnel is to be.  You can't see it in this picture but I spent s little bit of time on Wednesday afternoon just watching the construction and they had a pair of dump trucks ferrying dirt from the tunnel site to next to where the track is on the right side of the photo before it was taken away.

The New For 2006 Voyage Rollercoaster at Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

More items have shown up in the employee parking lot including some red structural metal parts that might be for some of the buildings in the Thanksgiving section as well as some piping and of course more wood for The Voyage.

The New For 2006 Voyage Rollercoaster at Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

After topping off The Voyage and working down the lift hill one of the challenges was to bridge the gap where the return leg of The Voyage crosses under the lift hill after making its second ninety degree banked turn.  They had to use some steel beams to cross the gap.  You can see them in the lower left hand of this picture.  Once that was done they put together several bents on the ground and secured them together before lifting them all up and into place.


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Paul B. Drabek