Holiday World & Splashin' Safari Santa Claus, Indiana
Opening Day
May 7, 2005
Page Twelve
Another favorite of Bond's
is the Lewis and Clark Trail Antique Cars. They have gone through
a few changes in the off season including making the guard rail thicker
here on the bridge and at the ending of the ride.
I guess this is what happens
when a car gets bumped. Remember while riding the Lewis and Clark
Trail do not bump cars. Head on over to the Rough Riders for that.
I can't forget about the Legend.
It was running wonderfully today. It's had a bit of track work
done in the off season resulting with a smoother and most importantly
a faster ride.
By the way the Legend was flying
today I'd expect it to break it's record yet again come mid-summer.
That will be just in time for night rides when the park is open until